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Private Cloud

First class seat to the cloud

Exclusivity Ensured

Private Cloud provides a modern infrastructure with superior security, performance, flexibility, and white glove service – all while ensuring your privacy is protected.

Secure by Design

Achieve heightened security with a Private Cloud. Dedicated hosts provide isolated and managed infrastructure, without the shared security model of public cloud. Take control of your cloud resources and make sure your data is secure with a Private Cloud.

Consistent Performance

Utilize the full potential of your AMD EPYC-powered dedicated compute hosts. Experience the same, reliable, top-notch performance without any noisy neighbors invading your environment. No surprises here. Depend on a day-to-day, year-to-year stable operations.

Hybrid Cloud

Experience the advantages of having both public and private clouds together. Utilise the elasticity of the public cloud for variable capacity requirements, while deploying your vital resources on the private cloud for security and exclusivity.Connect between public and private zones using the integrated global private networking available with all Private Cloud configurations.

Pricing Plans

Choose your host plan and deploy as many Cloud Servers as you like within the memory amount.

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