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Simple Backup

Securing data one backup at the time

Effortless data safety

Easy to use

Forget about the hassle of configuring backup schedules and retention periods; simply enable our automated backup feature and you’ll have it whenever you need it. Our system runs in the background and takes care of the backups for you; just select the longest duration you are likely to require and it will do the rest!

Perfect companion

Saving snapshots of your Cloud Server is the simplest way to back up your data. Simple Backup captures the state of all the server’s storage and provides a flexible, customizable solution for more precise backups.

Advanced technology

Create a full snapshot of your storage device without interruption or slowdown to the running cloud server – all in one go. Our backup technology allows you to back up everything quickly and easily.

Simple yet flexible

Unbelievably fast

Create a full snapshot of your storage device without interruption or slowdown to the running cloud server – all in one go. Our backup technology allows you to back up everything quickly and easily.

Full snapshot backups

Receive uninterrupted Cloud Server performance, even during peak times, with optimized quick snapshots.

Quickly accessible

We maintain your latest backups, ready for rapid recovery in the event of an emergency.

Pricing Plans

Simple Backups are available on General Purpose, High CPU, and High Memory Cloud Server plans at a fixed price for the storage included in each plan.

Week plan

Simple Backup

+20% of server plan price

Example configuration
Cloud Server $13/mo
+ Simple Backup Week plan
Monthly total $15.60/mo

Frequency & retention

Daily backups for 7 days

Month plan

Simple Backup

+40% of server plan price

Example configuration
Cloud Server $13/mo
+ Simple Backup Month plan
Monthly total $18.20/mo

Frequency & retention

Weekly backups for 4 weeks

Daily backups for 7 days

Year plan

Simple Backup

+60% of server plan price

Example configuration
Cloud Server $13/mo
+ Simple Backup Annual plan
Monthly total $20.80/mo

Frequency & retention

Monthly backups for 12 months

Weekly backups for 4 weeks

Daily backups for 7 days

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