
What is Ceph

Ceph refers a storage platform or software that is freely available and used to deploy object storage on a single distributed computing cluster with interfaces for object, block and file storage. Ceph provides a distributed platform with no single point of failure. Ceph is scalable and has been scaled to Exabyte level.

How Ceph works

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Celp is a self-healing and self-managing platform by design. Ceph usually replicates data and makes it fault tolerant using commodity cloud computing which involves use of already available computing components to parallel computing at the lowest costs.


Ceph has 5 daemons


Daemons are distributed and can run on the same servers

Cluster Monitors / ceph-mon

Tracks active and failed cluster nodes, cluster settings and configurations, data placement and the state of global cluster.

Object Storage Devices/ Ceph-osd

Stores file contents in file system mostly XFS file type

Metadata Servers / Ceph-mds

It’s an important component in the CephFS filesystem that is used to cache and broker access to the inodes.

HTTP gateways/Ceph-rgw

Deamon used to expose the object storage layer as a S3 compatible interface to Amazon S3 and Openstack Swift.

Managers / Ceph-mgr

Daemon used for maintenance tasks such as cluster monitoring, bookkeeping, an interface to external monitoring systems like balancer, dashboard, Prometheus and Zabbix plugin.


Ceph usually achieve higher throughput by stripping files across multiple nodes just like RAID0 Stripes partitions across multiple hard drives.Using Adaptive load balancing frequently accessed objects are replicated over more nodes.

XFS is the preferred file type.





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