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Invoice Ninja Remove Branding

Invoice Ninja Remove Branding. What You Need To do.

If you’re considering getting rid of the Invoice Ninja branding, you have a few options. Your choice will depend on what your business requires. Let’s explore these ways to remove that branding:

1. Get a White Label License

You can buy a special White Label License. Just go to the “Settings” menu, and then to “Account Management.” This license will make the Invoice Ninja branding disappear.

2. Add Your Company Logo

If you have your own company logo, you can put it on your invoices. This will replace the Invoice Ninja logo that’s there by default.

3. Change the Invoice Footer

At the bottom of your invoices, you’ll usually see “Created by Invoice Ninja.” You can change or delete this by editing the footer.

4. Reseller License

If you want to get rid of the branding in the admin area, you’ll need a reseller license. This is a special kind of license.

But remember, the way you remove branding might be a little different depending on which version of Invoice Ninja you’re using and what your business needs are. To get the exact steps, it’s a good idea to look at the official Invoice Ninja documentation, ask for help from the Invoice Ninja community, or talk to an Invoice Ninja expert. They can help you figure out the best way to remove branding for your setup.

White Label License Costs for InvoiceNinja

If you’re thinking about getting a white label license for InvoiceNinja, it’s good to know the price. According to what we found, it usually costs $30 USD per year for people who want to host it themselves.

However, there’s some confusion because in the past, some folks said it used to be $20 USD. And there are others who talk about a $60 USD cost for two separate white label licenses. So, it seems like the price has changed for some people.

Here’s the thing – the price might be different depending on which version of InvoiceNinja you’re using and what your business needs. So, it’s a good idea to check out the official InvoiceNinja documents, talk to the InvoiceNinja community, or get in touch with an InvoiceNinja expert. They can help you figure out the right price plan for your situation.

Related: What’s The Best Invoice Ninja Alternative

Is it possible to remove InvoiceNinja branding from the admin area without a reseller license

After looking around, we found that taking away the InvoiceNinja logo from the admin part of the program isn’t something you can do without a special license. We saw a note on GitHub that said you need something called a “reseller license” to make the logo go away in the admin area.

But There’s a Way!

But don’t worry, there’s still a way to make it look like your very own. You can get something called a “white label license.” You can find it in a place called the “Settings” menu, under “Account Management.” This will help you remove the InvoiceNinja logo from the parts of the program that your clients see.

Keep in Mind

Here’s something important to remember. The steps to remove the logo from the admin part of InvoiceNinja might be a bit different depending on which version of InvoiceNinja you’re using. It could also change based on what your business needs.

Get Some Help

If you’re not sure what to do, it’s a good idea to check out the official InvoiceNinja guide. You can also ask for help from the InvoiceNinja community or talk to an InvoiceNinja expert. They can help you figure out what steps are best for you and your business.

How To Join The Reseller Program For Invoiceninja

1. Begin by going to the InvoiceNinja website. You can do this by opening your web browser and typing in “InvoiceNinja” in the search bar. Then, once you’re on their website, look for the Reseller Program page. It’s usually found in the menu or under a section called “Partners” or “Programs.”

2. Once you’ve found the Reseller Program page, you’ll see an application form. Click on it. This form is where you’ll provide your information. They’ll need details like your name, email address, and maybe some information about your business. After filling it out, hit the “Submit” button. This sends your application to the InvoiceNinja team.

3. Now, you’ll have to wait for a response from the InvoiceNinja team. They’ll review your application and decide whether to let you join the reseller program or not. This might take a little time, so be patient.

4. If they say yes and approve your application, here’s the cool part: you get to take off all the branding from the app. That means when you use the InvoiceNinja app, it won’t have their logos or names on it anymore.

5. But here’s something important to remember: when you join the reseller program, you can remove all the branding from the entire app. But if you only want to get rid of the branding on the parts your clients see, you can do that with an individual white label license. It’s like a special sticker just for the client-facing parts.

6. Oh, and about money – there might be a cost to join the reseller program. How much you pay could depend on your business’s needs and what you’re looking for. To get all the details, it’s a smart move to check out the official InvoiceNinja documentation, ask questions in the InvoiceNinja community, or chat with someone who’s an expert in all things InvoiceNinja. They can help you figure out what steps are right for you when you want to join the reseller program.

Read also: Akaunting vs. Invoice Ninja: Which’s The Best Choice For Business?

What Is The Difference Between A Reseller License And A White Label License In Invoice Ninja

Reseller License:

  1. You can use Invoice Ninja like a SaaS solution.
  2. Sometimes, you might need to make a special agreement with Invoice Ninja LLC.
  3. This license can be handy for businesses that want to sell Invoice Ninja services to others.

White Label License:

  1. If you choose the white label license, you can remove the Invoice Ninja branding from the parts your customers see.
  2. Some people get this license just for their own use.
  3. But remember, you might have to pay for it.
  4. With this license, you can’t resell, mix it with other software, or advertise it without a special agreement with Invoice Ninja LLC.

It’s good to know that the differences between these licenses can change depending on which version of Invoice Ninja you’re using and what your business needs.

It’s a good idea to read the official Invoice Ninja documentation, talk to people in the Invoice Ninja community, or get help from an Invoice Ninja expert to figure out which license works best for you.

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