There are various actions we can perform on our VM(s) at CloudPap. We will go into these actions in this guide:

You can use this button to upgrade your VM to a higher package:

You can choose the package you’d like to upgrade, and it will be processed.
This involves creating an exact copy of your VM, with the files and settings in your original VM.
Change OS
You can use this button to change the operating system of your VM. These are the currently available OS to choose from, but the list is updated as soon as a newer version is released.

Open VNC
This is a window that you can use to access your VPS. It is useful when you cannot access your VM via SSH, and you want to monitor logs and check on an issue. However, it is not an alternative to SSH, as it has limited functionalities compared to its counterpart.

This is a button used to stop or power down the VM. It is useful when you are not using it and want to stop its usage.
This button is useful when you temporarily want to stop or suspend the VM.
Soft Reboot
When initiated, the operating system sends signals to running processes and services to shut down gracefully. Once all processes have terminated, the operating system reboots itself. It is a safer option, with minimal risk of data loss or file system corruption.
Hard Reboot
In a hard reboot, the operating system and all processes abruptly halt without prior warning. Power is restored, and the server boots up from scratch. It is effective when the operating system is completely unresponsive.
Take Snapshot
A snapshot is a point-in-time copy of the VM’s state. The snapshot captures the VM’s settings and metadata. The system usually stores it locally in the same storage as the VM. It is quick and efficient to create and restore a snapshot.

A backup is a complete and independent copy of the VM’s data. It is typically stored in a separate location, like another storage repository. It is a crucial component of a disaster recovery strategy.

Reset Password
This action is used to reset the user’s password. It is useful when you have forgotten the user’s password. The new password is sent to your email.
When you want to create a new VM using the same OS as used previously, you can use this action. It will reinstall the OS and give you new credentials. Be careful as this will delete your data and ensure you have a backup before rebuilding.
This button will delete the VM and all the data the VM currently holds. This action is irreversible and will lose every data in the VM.
These are the actions you can perform on your CloudPap VM.